The psychrometric calculator is an essential tool in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) and other thermal systems to analyze air-water vapor mixtures. This blog post explains the fundamental concepts, formulas, and algorithms used in the given HTML-based psychrometric calculator.
How to Create a Psychrometric Chart Using Python
A psychrometric chart is a powerful tool used in HVAC, thermodynamics, and atmospheric sciences to represent the properties of moist air. This article explains how to generate a comprehensive psychrometric chart using Python with numpy
, matplotlib
, and the psychrolib
Refer this link to see full Python code:
Libraries Used
- NumPy: For efficient numerical computations.
- Matplotlib: For visualizing the psychrometric chart.
- PsychroLib: A library for psychrometric calculations, supporting SI and IP unit systems.
Setting Up the Environment
Before starting, ensure you have the required libraries installed. Use the following command to install them:
pip install numpy matplotlib psychrolib
The Code Breakdown
1. Initialization
The psychrometric calculations are based on the SI unit system (Celsius, kg/kg, Pa). Use the SetUnitSystem
function from psychrolib
to set the unit system:
from psychrolib import SI, SetUnitSystem
2. Define Parameters
Define the ranges for dry-bulb temperature, humidity ratio, and atmospheric pressure:
import numpy as np
temperature_range = np.linspace(0, 50, 100) # Dry-bulb temperature range (°C)
humidity_ratio_range = np.linspace(0, 0.01, 30) # Humidity ratio range (kg/kg dry air)
pressure = 101325 # Atmospheric pressure (Pa)
3. Plotting the Psychrometric Chart
A. Saturation Line
The saturation line represents air that holds the maximum amount of water vapor at a given temperature:
from psychrolib import GetSatHumRatio
sat_hum_ratios = [GetSatHumRatio(t, pressure) for t in temperature_range]
plt.plot(temperature_range, sat_hum_ratios, color="blue", linewidth=4, label="Saturation Line")
B. Constant Relative Humidity Lines
Relative humidity lines (10%, 20%, ..., 100%) are plotted using GetHumRatioFromRelHum
from psychrolib import GetHumRatioFromRelHum
relative_humidities = np.linspace(0.1, 1, 10)
for rh in relative_humidities:
hum_ratios = [GetHumRatioFromRelHum(t, rh, pressure) for t in temperature_range]
plt.plot(temperature_range, hum_ratios, linestyle="--", color="#32CD32", linewidth=2)
C. Constant Enthalpy Lines
Enthalpy lines (10, 20, ..., 250 kJ/kg) are derived from the equation:
Rearranged to find (humidity ratio):
enthalpy_lines = range(10, 250, 15)
for h in enthalpy_lines:
hum_ratios = [(h - 1.006 * t) / (2501 + 1.86 * t) for t in temperature_range]
plt.plot(temperature_range, hum_ratios, linestyle="-.", color="#FF4500", linewidth=2)
D. Constant Wet-Bulb Temperature Lines
Wet-bulb temperature lines are approximated using GetHumRatioFromRelHum
wet_bulb_temps = range(5, 36, 5)
for twb in wet_bulb_temps:
hum_ratios = []
for t in temperature_range:
hum_ratio = GetHumRatioFromRelHum(t, twb / 100.0, pressure)
plt.plot(temperature_range, hum_ratios, linestyle=":", color="#9400D3", linewidth=2)
E. Constant Specific Volume Lines
Specific volume lines are calculated using an approximation formula:
specific_volumes = np.linspace(0.75, 25, 20)
for vol in specific_volumes:
hum_ratios = [vol / (t + 273.15) for t in temperature_range]
plt.plot(temperature_range, hum_ratios, linestyle="-", color="#FFA500", linewidth=2)
4. Enhancing the Chart
Grid Lines
Vertical and horizontal grid lines improve readability:
for t in temperature_range:
plt.axvline(t, color="gray", linestyle="--", linewidth=1, alpha=0.5)
for hr in np.linspace(humidity_ratio_range[0], humidity_ratio_range[1], 10):
plt.axhline(hr, color="gray", linestyle=":", linewidth=1, alpha=0.5)
Labels and Title
Add descriptive labels, a title, and a legend:
plt.xlabel("Dry-Bulb Temperature (°C)", fontsize=20, weight="bold")
plt.ylabel("Humidity Ratio (kg water / kg dry air)", fontsize=20, weight="bold")
plt.text(15, 0.075, "Psychrometric Chart", fontsize=50, ha="center", color="black", weight="bold")
plt.legend(loc="center left", fontsize=18, frameon=True, shadow=True, fancybox=True)
Customize the layout with grid styling and appropriate figure size:
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15))
plt.grid(True, which='both', linestyle="--", linewidth=1.5, alpha=0.7)
5. Display the Chart
Finally, render the chart using:
Key Outputs
The psychrometric chart includes:
- Saturation line.
- Constant relative humidity, enthalpy, wet-bulb temperature, and specific volume lines.
- Interactive labels and enhanced readability through grid lines.
- HVAC Design: Analyze air-conditioning systems.
- Environmental Science: Study humidity and temperature changes.
- Industrial Processes: Understand air-water mixture dynamics in drying and humidification.
By leveraging Python's capabilities, this tool simplifies complex psychrometric calculations and makes air-property analysis accessible to engineers and researchers.