Thursday, November 21, 2024

Residence Time Distribution (RTD) for CSTR and PFR - Python Code Explanation


Explanation of the Code: Residence Time Distribution (RTD) for CSTR and PFR

This Python script models the Residence Time Distribution (RTD) for two types of chemical reactors: Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) and Plug Flow Reactor (PFR). It visualizes the response of these reactors to a pulse tracer input, helping to understand their behavior over time.

Key Concepts and Formulas

  1. Residence Time Distribution (RTD):
    • RTD, E(t)E(t), describes how long fluid elements spend in a reactor.
    • The mean residence time, τ\tau, is the average time the material stays in the reactor.



E(t)=1τetτE(t) = \frac{1}{\tau} e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}}


  • The RTD of a CSTR follows an exponential decay.
  • It assumes perfect mixing, meaning all fluid elements have an equal chance of leaving the reactor at any moment.
  • E(t)E(t) represents the probability density function of residence times.

Implementation in Code:

def rtd_cstr(t, tau):
    return (1 / tau) * np.exp(-t / tau)



E(t)=δ(tτ)E(t) = \delta(t - \tau)

Where δ(tτ)\delta(t - \tau) is the Dirac delta function.


  • For a PFR, all fluid elements spend exactly the same time, τ\tau, in the reactor.
  • The Dirac delta function represents this instantaneous residence time.
  • In numerical simulations, the delta function is approximated as a sharp peak.

Implementation in Code:

def rtd_pfr(t, tau):
    E = np.zeros_like(t)
    E[np.argmin(np.abs(t - tau))] = 1  # Approximation of delta function
    return E

Pulse Tracer Input


  • A pulse tracer is a sharp input signal at t=0t = 0 used to study RTD.
  • In the code, the pulse tracer is modeled as an array with a value of 1 at t=0t = 0 and 0 elsewhere.

Implementation in Code:

def pulse_tracer(t):
    pulse = np.zeros_like(t)
    pulse[0] = 1  # Sharp input at t=0
    return pulse


The script uses Matplotlib to create plots comparing the RTD and pulse tracer input for both CSTR and PFR.

Key Elements:

  1. Subplots:

    • Two side-by-side plots for CSTR and PFR.
    • Pulse tracer input and RTD responses are plotted on the same axes.
  2. Styling:

    • Different colors and line styles for clarity.
    • Labels, titles, and legends for better interpretation.
  3. Time Range:

    • The time array spans from 00 to 3τ3\tau, capturing significant parts of the RTD curve.

Code Walkthrough

  1. Import Libraries:

    • math, numpy, and matplotlib for mathematical operations and plotting.
  2. Define Parameters:

    • Mean residence time, τ=1\tau = 1.
    • Time array, t, created using np.linspace.
  3. Define Functions:

    • rtd_cstr for CSTR RTD.
    • rtd_pfr for PFR RTD.
    • pulse_tracer for the pulse input.
  4. Plotting:

    • Two subplots for CSTR and PFR.
    • RTD curves and pulse input are overlaid for comparison.
  5. Display Results:

    • The plots are displayed using


  1. CSTR Plot:

    • Exponential decay RTD.
    • Smooth curve indicating a range of residence times due to perfect mixing.
  2. PFR Plot:

    • A sharp peak at t=τt = \tau.
    • Indicates all fluid elements exit the reactor simultaneously.

Significance of RTD Analysis

  1. Reactor Design:

    • RTD helps in understanding flow behavior, mixing, and reaction performance.
  2. Comparison:

    • CSTR: Suitable for reactions needing long residence times due to mixing.
    • PFR: Ideal for plug flow with uniform reaction time.
  3. Applications:

    • Chemical reaction engineering.
    • Troubleshooting flow maldistribution or bypassing in reactors.

By analyzing RTD, engineers can optimize reactor performance and ensure better process control.

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